Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 2

St. Louis to Indianapolis

We left St. Louis this morning at 9...somewhat of a miracle for us. I guess when you don't sleep so well (thanks, Drew), it's easier to get up. Scott had a weak moment and agreed to let me drive. For some reason, he feels it is necessary to repeat everything that the lady on the gps says. ugh. Once we got on I-70, I didn't turn one place where I was supposed to. I thought going the back way was quaint. However, when we stopped to get gas, I came out of the restroom and he was sitting behind the wheel. I made it 30 minutes. I can't say that I mind. I guess I shouldn't have mentioned that I really can't see with my new contacts either.

We stopped in Vandalia, Il. I had read that there is a fire breathing dragon there. You just have to go to the liquor store and buy a token for a dollar. The first one was free, so we got to see the dragon breathe fire twice for a buck.
We got back on the road after our five minute party with the dragon and headed toward Indy.

We got to our hotel early afternoon. We're staying at the Omni Severin. What a great place! The employees are so nice and the facility is gorgeous. The best part is that Cole got a roll away bed, so Drew gets a bed to himself. :) Life is good.

We went to an early dinner at Rams Sports Bar and Grill in downtown Indy. Their downtown area is really neat. At dinner, we met Scott's best friend growing up, Paul and his wife Angele. Paul had poker night at his house, so he had to leave after awhile, but Angele got to stay and visit with us. She went back to the hotel with us and hung out at the pool while the kids swam. I wish they lived closer! We're going to try to stop by Paul's company in the morning for a tour before we head to Canton.

Day 1

Hi Family and Friends! We're glad you are joining us as we travel across the the East this time.

We planned on leaving at around 10, so in Bellamy fashion, we pulled out of our driveway at 11:30. Scott and I were sweating profusely and the boys were sitting in the car eating cookies. What's wrong with this picture? We asked Drew what he thought the theme of our trip was this time. He said, "the Democracy Tour" and the theme of our trip was born. Aunt Renee and Uncle Chris made Bellamy Democracy Tour 2011 bags for them to take on the trip with snacks, books and other fun stuff. The boys loved them.

We got into St. Louis mid afternoon. Our reservations were for the Hilton at the ballpark. When we pulled in, we were immediately assaulted by a bellman. I was still trying to put my sunglasses away and he opened my door trying to get me out. They loaded our luggage and then left it in the lobby unattended. I checked in and then saw our things on the cart. I grabbed it and headed toward the elevators only to be chased down by the concierge. I guess you have to have a luggage cart license in order to operate one of those things. We decided the full service hotel thing is not us. We would not be good rich people. Fortunately, that is not a problem. :) The hotel was nice (except for really slow elevators). Our room had a great view of the ballpark. I bet David Welker would love that! Drew wished we were going to a game, so we'll have to do that next time.

After we got our things in the room, we decided to go for an early dinner. A carriage passed us and Drew said, "wow, that would be so cool to ride in one of those." So, we decided to go on one. Right then, an empty one pulled up and the driver asked if we'd like a ride. We said yes based on our conversation. Scott and I started that way, but both boys were frozen in their tracks. After a quick family huddle, we discovered that the carriage was pink, the driver was "hot" and they were embarrassed to be seen in the Barbie cart. We'd already said yes, so we told them we had to go. After a few minutes of humiliation, they forgot the cart color and seemed to enjoy the ride. The driver then dropped us off at an Irish Pub that she highly recommended.

As the waiter took our order, he asked Cole what he wanted. Cole told him the bleu cheese bacon burger (vegetarian mother is so confused). When the waiter asked him how he wanted his burger, Cole replied, "exactly what it says on the menu". Our formerly annoyed waiter was now laughing hysterically. He had to clarify, how did he want it cooked.

It was a beautiful night as we walked back to the hotel. There was a little park area next to the hotel, so we walked over to look at it. It provided a pretty good view of the arch!
We walked around the area and Drew found a fountain. Within seconds, he had his shoes and socks off and was in the water playing.Cole just wanted to ponder the purpose of the fountains. We went back to the hotel, so Scott and Drew could go to the pool. Cole and I stayed in the room and read. I'm reading "Room" by Emma Donoghue. Fascinating story so far. More later!