Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 10-Tuesday Jamestown Settlement and Yorktown Beach

Drew at the colonists' camp at Jamestown Settlement

Drew on the Susan B Constant

Cole in the colonists' church (above)

Looking at a canoe and how the Indians made them out of trees. They burnt out the insides and then scraped the charred portion with shells.

Drew in a hollowed out canoe.

Scott and Cole in the Powhatan village.

Drew grinding corn.

Learning from a "native".

I finally woke Scott up at 11am. I guess he's sleeping pretty well here. After getting ready, we headed to Jamestown Settlement. Our late start actually paid off as we got there about the same time as all of the school kids were leaving.

We walked in, paid the entry fee and Drew spotted the gift shop. We went in there and decided we really didn't even need to see anything else. They could have entertained themselves for hours. They had all of the colonial weapons, rubber band guns, cap guns, coon skin caps, etc. Drew had a hard time deciding which hat to get...the coon skin or the colonial hat. He opted for the colonial. I was secretly glad because when we get home if a coon skin cap found its way under a bed, it might freak me out.Here is Drew with both hats on.

We watched a film about the founding of Jamestown. It was great. I wish I'd paid more attention in history class. Then we went through the museum. It was really well done too. They didn't allow pictures. :( Outside, they had re-creations of the colonists' fort and a Powhatan village where the guides answered questions. There was an artillery demonstration where they shot off a cannon. There were recreations of the three boats that came to Jamestown originally. It was really hot out there but we enjoyed it. Real history buffs probably wouldn't like it much, but for us it was great. A man in the colonists' fort was from Manhattan, KS and he gave us a dinner recommendation of a seafood place on the way to Yorktown.

We ate dinner at Bill's Seafood Restaurant. Cole got the special...two types of fried fish with two side dishes. Cole got french fries and a baked potato. The waitress from then on called him "Potato Boy".

We went on to Yorktown to see the beach. The boys mostly played in the sand. It was pretty there too. It was a pretty relaxing day.

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