Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 8-Sunday in Williamsburg

American Gothic-The Bellamy Putt Putt Version

Our condo is great with one exception. The Wifi frequentl y loses the signal. It’s about to make me nutty. It won't let me upload pictures at the moment. I'm going to go ahead and post the text so I don't lose it. I'll try to post the pictures later.

Today was just a lazy day…so nice after running like crazy people all last week. We slept in again. We had the option of a time share presentation. Normally, we say no, but we had plenty of time, so we agreed to do one today. We got lunch and a $50 gift card. It was pretty painless. Scott is pretty good at just saying no to them. I love traveling, so I just try to be quiet.

We let them play in the game room this afternoon for a long time. After about an hour and a half, Drew came out of the game room holding his arm. It appears he played so long that his arm cramped up. He was done for the day. Cole came out a short time later and we went back to the condo.

We seem to have a new pet. There’s a cat that hangs around our building. We gave it and its friend part of a hot dog, because they looked hungry. We have a friend for life now…or at least a week.

After relaxing for awhile, Scott and Drew went to play tennis and putt putt. After awhile, Cole and I went and we all played putt putt. Scott got two holes in one. I wish I’d had a video running after his first one. I’ve never seen anyone do an endzone dance when they got a hole in one. Scott’s got his own putt putt dance. I took a picture right after he did it.

After swimming for Drew, we headed back to the condo for the night. I’m still fighting with the connection signal…grrrr. Can you tell it's frustrating? :)

Tomorrow is Busch Gardens. We’re hoping it won’t be so busy on a Monday.


  1. I absolutely love Colonial Williamsburg. It's so agrarian, yet stately and refined, too. I could spend days just driving around looking at all the houses and wandering through the gardens. I'm impressed that the boys are enjoying that part of the trip. Did you get to see any of the actors playing people like George Washington or Thomas Jefferson give their speeches? Surprisingly interesting and they have a great sense of humor, too. Have fun!

  2. Hi Shelly,

    I didn't know you had been here before or I would have been asking you for advice! Don't be too impressed with the boys. They said they have learned more history. Unfortunately for them, we're going to Colonial Williamsburg today (Tuesday). :) We're going to Jamestown and maybe even Yorktown too. Did you go to those places? It is really pretty here. Speaking of agrarian, I hope my tomatoes back home are surviving. Hasn't it been really hot?

    Any visits to KC this summer? We're coming to Springfield for the night on June 21 to see Michael Buble, but it's going to be a quick trip. We'll probably go back to Aurora in July.
