Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 12-Colonial Williamsburg

Two monks taking pictures of each other.
Drew in his element...the candy store.

They don't sell these in the gift shop. We might have been tempted.
Cole got a quill pen and ink so he can write like the people on the Declaration of Independence.
Drew taking a break.

Pretty purple flowers and pomegranates (below). These are for Shelly.

Cole trying a hat on.

Colonial Williamsburg was a cool place...not literally though. I fully expected steam to come up off the ground. We enjoyed walking around and looking at the old buildings. There weren't too many that were open. We liked the church. Four past presidents attended church there. Thomas Jefferson went when he was a student at William and Mary. We also liked the old cemetary. Drew's favorite was the candy store. There were also neat shops with present day items. I didn't buy anything, but did get to browse a little while Scott took the boys to the toy store. They didn't buy anything either.

Another McDonald's ice cream cone on the way back to the condo.

We went to the Tavern so Scott could go to a beer tasting. We walked in and Scott took one look around and started walking backwards. I guess he expected a crowd. Instead there was an older couple sitting at the bar. We went to the activity center to confirm that's where it was happening. Yep, that was it. He just went back to get a beer and then joined me at my spot outside the game room.

We went to the pool for a swim. We had a family dunking contest and if they'd taken a vote on "who do you want to leave the pool area", we would have won.

Back to the condo for some animal planet. They really want to get this channel at home now.

Friday we are heading for Charleston, WV. We were going to stay close to Charlottesville (Monticello), but Scott didn't want to do such heavy driving 2 days in a row, so now we are breaking it into 3. We will still stop in Charlottesville, but then keep on going. Our final night will still be in Louisville.

Hard to believe it's coming to an end. :(


  1. Thank you for the purple flowers picture! I LOVE them! I'm starting to feel like an old person for liking Williamsburg so much. And I'm starting to understand why Don doesn't want to go anywhere near there for our 25th wedding anniversary. But it's still a feast for the eyes if you like history and gardening. Not so great for teenagers!

    I'm so impressed that you all travel to well together. Some families would have killed each other by now! It's great to see. I hope you can do something extra special on the way home -- that part of the trip is always the hardest.

    Be safe and have fun on the rest of the trip!

  2. We always say when we start watching the birds, we'll know we are old. :) When is your 25th anniversary?

    We do travel well together, but it's far from perfect. Cole and Drew still argue over who has to sleep on the rollaway bed. They also usually get into some sort of a spat in the swimming pool. Oddly enough, when we get in the car, they don't usually argue. However, tomorrow will test us all. We're 8.5 hours from home and we're doing it in one day. We're going to either stop at the Arch or the St. Louis zoo to break it up. It will be good to be back home.
