Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 9-Monday Busch Gardens

I'm going to try to get caught up today. It's 10:15am and everyone is still sleeping. We had a big day at Busch Gardens yesterday. I've never been to a Busch Gardens before and I was really impressed.

We got there at 9:45am and left a short 9 hours later. Yep...9 hours. Open to close. The park is pretty hilly, so we were once again worn out. We weren't complaining though, because it was all good fun.

They rode every ride (except the baby rides) at least once. They rode some of the roller coasters twice. We got really lucky in many ways. The weather was warm and mild. The crowds were low. I guess this particular park draws mostly a local crowd, so it's packed on weekends. School here doesn't let out until the 2nd week of June, so there wasn't more than a 5 minute wait for any ride. I'd like to say that I planned it like that, but it was just dumb luck. We also went on a Monday which is supposed to be a slow park day.

The facility was clean and really pretty. It almost looked like a park (arboretum type) than an amusement park. We also didn't realize that they had wildlife there that you could watch. Everything was tastefully done.

We ate lunch at the German Octoberfest and were entertained by singers, dancers and a band. It made paying the high price seem not so bad..I thought of it as a dinner theater. (Although, I can't remember ever hearing The Chicken Dance played at a dinner theater.)

I requested that we go to Celtic Frye which is an Irish show. I told them just to go for 10 minutes and then we could leave. I looked over at Drew and he was clapping. I thought, "maybe they are enjoying this after all and we can stay the whole time." Then, I looked at Scott and noticed that he was sleeping. How someone can go to sleep that fast while people are singing Irish tunes and doing Irish dancing is beyond me...but he did it. I looked back at Drew and his hand was attacking his face. His hand was like a claw and it was taking all of his strength to keep it away from his face. We made it 15 minutes.

We headed back to the condo and went to the activity center. It was "s'more night" and there's no way Drew is going to pass up a s'more. More games at the activity center and then back to the condo. This East coast tv is killing me. All of the shows are on so late. I watched a show about a guy that weighed 459 pounds losing weight over the course of a year. I fell asleep at 6 months and never got to see what he looked like at the end. Bummer.

One member of the family is awake...Cole, so hopefully the others will be up soon too. I'm sure they all would have jumped out of bed if they knew we were going to Colonial Williamsburg.

Have a great day today!

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